4 . Commonly used measures in Hymns

Tonic Sol-fa for His glory
5 min readAug 12, 2021


We saw that in tonic Sol fa, the musical score is divided into measures (similar to Bars that is used in the Staff Notation). We also saw that measure is divided into pulses using colons ( : ). A dash is used when the note has to be prolonged. The total spaces created by the colons in a measure will correspond with the upper figure mentioned in the time signature in Staff Notation.

There are hymns or songs in every pulse measures. In Carnatic music, seven pulse measure is very common.

We have a list of very common hymns in various pulse measures.

Two Pulse measure:

In Staff Notation it is shown as 2 / 2. It is also known as Cut C or Alla Brev. There, each beat is represented by a minim or half note. Here are a few examples:

  • All People on earth dwell, Rejoice in the Lord always, Oh come all ye faithful, When I survey the wondrous cross, Spacious Firmament.

Let us look at one of these.

Key G -All people that on Earth who dwell

: d | d : t, | l, : s, | d : r | m
All peo-ple that on earth do dwell,
: m | m : m | r : d | f : m | r
Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice;
: d | r : m | r : d | l, : t, | d
Him serve with mirth, His praise forth tell!
: s | m : d |r : f | m : r | d
Come ye be-fore Him and re-rejoice.

Each of the above lines is ending with a fermata. We saw that Fermata is a music symbol written with a dot within an inverted u. It means that the note where it appears should be prolonged more than its values. Please go back to the first blog where this music is pictured to see the fermata.

Three Pulse measure:

Here are a few examples:

  • My hope is built on, I hear thy Welcome voice, Who is He in yonder, The great physician, Jesus Saviour Pilot me, I will sing the wondrous story, When we walk with the Lord, Blest be the tie that binds, When we walk with the Lord,

My Hope is built Key: G

In Staff Notation this timing is shown as 3/ 4. A quarter note or a crochet is the value of a pulse.

: s, | d . m : s : m | m .r : r
My hope is built on nothing less
: m | f. f : f : r | d . t, : d
Than Je-sus blood and righteousness
:s, | d . m : s : m | m .r : r
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
: m | f .f : f : r | d. t, : d
But wholly lean on Je-sus’ name.
: s | s . s : s : s | l .l : l
On Christ the So-lid rock I stand;
: l |s .m : m : d | m . m : r
All other ground is sinking sand
: s, | d .d : d : m | r . r : d
All other ground is sinking sand

Four Pulse measure

Here the time signature (in Staff Notation) is 4/ 4. Here also a pulse is equal to a crochet. Here are a few examples:

  • O God our help, Safe in the arms of Jesus, Seeking the lost, Onward Christian soldiers, Now the day, How sweet the name of Jesus, Holy, Holy, Holy,

O God our help -Key: D (Sometimes also sung in C)

: s | m : l | s : d’ | d’ : t | d’
O God our help in a- ges past
: s | d’ : s | l : fe | s : — | -
Our hope for years to come
: t | d’ : l | r” : t | d’ : l | t
Our shelter from the stormy blast,
: s | l : d’| r’: t | d’ : — | -
And our e-ter-nal home

Six Pulse Measure

Here, a pulse is a one 8th note (equal to a quaver). The Time signature is 6/ 8. i.e. 6 pulses in a measure. Here are a few examples:

  • Sweet hour of prayer, There shall be showers of blessing, Master the tempest is , More about Jesus, Must I go and empty handed,Jesus is tenderly calling, Praise Him, Praise Him, We three kings of orient are,

Sweet hour of prayer, Key : D

|| : d | m : — : f | s : —
Sweet hour of prayer,
And oft escaped
: s | l : — : t | d’ : —
Sweet hour of prayer,
the temp–ter’s snare
: l | s : — : m | m : r :
That calls me from
By thy re — turn
d |r : — : m | r : -
a world of care,
sweet hour of prayer.
: d |m : — : f | s : — :
And bids me at
And oft es-caped
s | l : — : t | d’ :-

my Father’s throne,
the temp-ter’s snare
: l | s : — : m | m : -
Make all my wants
By thy re — turn
: d |m : — : r | d : — Fine||
and wishes known
sweet hour of prayer.
: s | d’ : — t | d’ : —
In sea — sons of
: l | s : — : m | s : -
distress and grief,
: s |d’ : — : t | d’ : -.
My soul has oft —
: l | s : — : m| r : — D. C
en found re — leaf,

Sacred Songs & Solos 318

The first 4 lines are repeated. We are have two bar lines as a sign at the beginning and at the end of the fourth line with the word ‘fine’ along with that. The lyric in italics will come after the D. C. sign.

When you see music, the first thing you should check is the key signature and time signature. In other words what is the key of the song and what is the time setting? We will look at the keys in the coming chapters.


Write the words of this line :-

Clue : ( from a very common hymn)
r : — : m : f | m : r : d : f | m :- : r :- | d : — :- : -||
Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.
Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.

Ps. 63: 3 & 7



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